Salary Supplement:
In addition to the State salary received by a teacher, Cumberland County Schools pays a local state salary supplement, please visit Salary and Supplement Pay Range 2024-2025 to view the salary & supplement schedule.
Security Deposit Waivers:
Security deposit waivers, for electric companies, PWC, and Lumbee River, are available to new teachers (within the first year of employment) who are relocating to Cumberland County Schools.
Local medical centers discount the cost of the Health Examination required for employment in North Carolina
Health and Recreation:
Medical centers and recreation clubs provide a waiver of enrollment fees and discounted monthly rates.
Beginning Teacher’s Store:
All new teachers, with less than 6 months' experience, will attend the Beginning Teacher Orientation. During the orientation, beginning teachers will receive a gift certificate to School Tools for teaching materials. To contact the Beginning Teacher Office by phone, call 910-678-8734 or through email.
National Board Certification:
After completing the National Board process, when a candidate returns to teach in Cumberland County Schools the following year, a $500 stipend from the Cumberland County Board of Education will be issued at a fall reception to recognize the candidate for completing the process.
Professional Development:
Local professional development for continuing education and licensure renewal is provided without cost through Cumberland County Schools.
Zero Percent Interest Loans (For New Teachers):
As a way to say thank you for joining CCS, a zero percent salary advancement will be available for up to $2000.00 for new teachers with a signed agreement of repayment. For more details, please contact Human Resources at 910-678-2310.
Special Incentive/Performance Initiative: In order to be considered to participate in this initiative, teachers must meet a specific set of criteria. If selected to participate in this initiative, teachers who possess A-Level licenses, in one of the targeted areas, will receive an additional $600 per month salary incentive. Teachers who possess G-Level license (Master’s degree), in one of the targeted areas, will receive an additional $1,000 per month salary incentive. This initiative also provides for an additional $2,000 bonus for meeting high academic growth standards at the end of the school year. For more information, visit Highly Effective Incentive.
CCS’ Work Perks is an incentive for ALL employees. Through various discounts and special offers, businesses are showing their appreciation for what you do every day to help the children in our school system.
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Contact Us
2465 Gillespie Street
Fayetteville, NC 28306
Phone: 910-678-2629
Fax: 910-678-2344
Ruben Reyes
Associate Superintendent