Professional Development

Welcome to Cumberland County Schools Professional Development!
Our office hours are Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm.
The Professional Development Team will:
Collaborate around the needs of all the schools’ stakeholders
Make decisions based on data
Commit to quality support to schools in real time
Be passionate about the success of all students
Provide authentic learning experiences for all
The mission of the CCS Professional Development Department is to offer research-based Professional Development that is aligned with system, school, and personal goals that connect adult learning with student learning to improve student outcomes. The Professional Development Department is housed at the Educational Resource Center (ERC), which can accommodate staff development training.
All Cumberland County Schools’ employees will participate in Professional Development learning opportunities, and apply these experiences to their work assignment to ensure that “all means all.” All educators have a responsibility to improve student performance. (NSDC)
Quick Links
Contact Us
396 Elementary Dr.
Fayetteville, NC
Phone: 910-678-2708
Fax: 910-678-2598
Staff Directory
Yimiya Pearson